Compl. Response Generator
Last updated: January 2025
Getting started
Complaint Response Generator is a Microsoft Word add-on that generates answer paragraphs for response to a complaint. The utility can also include preexisting content with the newly generated paragraphs during the workflow.
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General options for the Utility tab and processing performed.
Show instructions on Utility tab
Toggles the display of instructions on the Utility tab. Hiding the instructions allows for more room to view selections in the task pane.
Show descriptions on Utility tab
Shows or hides descriptions on the Utility tab. Enable or disable as desired once familiarity with the application is obtained.
Show descriptions on Settings tab
Shows or hides descriptions on the Settings tab at your convenience. We bring these instructions into the application so settings and options are clear.
Execution scope
Controls if processing is performed on the entire document or a selection.
Reset paragraph style lists
Resets the style lists where they appear in the Current document setup, New answer paragraph and Answer content sections. Press this button if a style is created after the utility is launched so it will be reflected in the lists of styles.
Answer options
These options affect the newly created answer paragraphs generated after each numbered complaint paragraph.
Line spacing
Sets the line spacing for all selected styles.
Text case appearance
Sets the distinction for the capitalization of the lead-in text, if any, for the answer paragraph. Options are uppercase, title case, lowercase and "do not modify."
Ending text
Provides options for the content, if any, that is added to the end of the heading text. Options are colon, period, en dash, em dash and none.
Clear collections
Clears all of the content stored from the document selection and table column collection process. This content is removed automatically when the Legal Productivity Suite for Microsoft Word is closed or started and is never transmitted to a database.
Current document setup
Refers to the current formatting state of the document.
Document styled properly?
Guides the application how to identify complaint paragraphs.
No / I don't know
Generates a new answer paragraph after every manually numbered paragraph.
Generates an answer paragraph corresponding to each paragraph styled with the style selected in Complaint paragraph style.
Complaint paragraph style
Specifies the style each complaint paragraph is formatted with. Only the complaint paragraphs should be formatted with this style. Each paragraph formatted with the selected style will generate a new answer paragraph.
New answer paragraph
The settings in this section affect the newly created answer paragraph that's generated for each complaint paragraph identified.
Insert location for new answer paragraph
Specifies where the answer paragraph should be placed.
After most likely paragraph
Generates the answer paragraph in the most appropriate location. As an example, if a complaint paragraph is followed by sub levels (e.g., (a), (i), etc.), the answer paragraph will be inserted after this content.
Immediately after complaint paragraph
Generates the answer paragraph immediately after the identified complaint paragraph regardless of what follows.
Answer paragraph style
Specifies the style each newly inserted answer paragraph should be formatted with.
Answer text
Specifies the answer text that should appear with the newly inserted response paragraph (e.g., "ANSWER" or "RESPONSE").
Incorporated in selected style
Defaults to the content and/or numbering in the style selected. Complaint Response Generator will hide the options below from the task pane when this option is selected.
Allows for a selection to be entered in the Specify answer text option that appears. If none of the selections from the menu are relevant to your filing, a new one can be typed.
Specify answer text
Select an option from the list or type a customized heading to be entered.
Sets the numbering, if any numbering is desired, that appears after the answer text.
Omits numbering after the specified Answer Text (e.g., "ANSWER").
Static numbering
Inserts numbering as regular text. This numbering will not update if an answer paragraph is removed or added after the workflow is completed (e.g., "ANSWER NO. 1").
SEQ fields
Inserts numbering using Microsoft Word's SEQ field. If an answer paragraph is removed or added after the workflow is completed, selecting the document in its entirety and pressing the F9 key will update the SEQ fields (i.e., the numbering) to reflect the modified content.
Formatting attribute(s) to apply
Applies the selected character formatting attribute(s) to the lead-in title for the answer paragraph (e.g., "ANSWER" or "RESPONSE"), if any.
Answer content
The settings in this section enable content to be added along with the newly generated answer paragraph.
Answer content
Sets the content, if any, that's included with the newly created answer paragraph (e.g., if the answers have been prepared and need to be inserted after each respective complaint paragraph).
Omits additional content from the answer paragraph being inserted.
Blank paragraph
Inserts a blank paragraph after the answer paragraph.
Bracketed bullet
Inserts "[●]" after the lead-in text for the answer paragraph (e.g., "ANSWER: [●]" or "RESPONSE: [●]").
Document selection
Collects content as a selection of paragraphs. To engage, select the paragraphs in the document and press the button.
Table column
Collects content from the table column specified by the column and start row selections. To engage, place your cursor in the table and press the button.
Insertion location
Sets the insertion location for the answer content.
Same line as the answer paragraph
Inserts the content being included on the same line as the newly generated answer paragraph.
New paragraph
Generates a new paragraph for the answer content after the newly generated answer paragraph.
Answer content paragraph style
Specifies the style to be applied if a new paragraph is desired for the answer content. This setting only appears when New paragraph is selected for the insertion location.
Will Complaint Response Generator work if my document is unstyled?
Yes, selecting No / I don't know for the Document styled properly? option in the Current document setup section inserts an answer paragraph after every manually numbered paragraph. Use the shift + alt + up and down arrow keys to move the answer paragraphs as needed. Answer paragraphs that may be created where they aren't needed can simply be deleted.